Week 1 - Find Out About Our Library

In this activity, students compare their school library with another library (or libraries) - your town library, for example, or a virtual library - and identify their most important features. Then students use their observations to create a map of the school library that can serve as a guide for others.

Learning intention:

Students will

  • compare and contrast their school library with at least one other library,
  • identify the prominent features of the libraries and their functions,
  • create a map that illustrates the layout of the libraries, their features, and their functions.


library, map, virtual tour, Venn, compare, diagram, graphic organiser

Materials Needed

Lesson Plan

Begin this activity by asking students to describe the school library. What are its purposes? What can be found there? Invite the students to share what other libraries can be found in your community and how they differ from the school library.

For the next part of the lesson, ask students to compare your school library with at least one other library. You might visit your local public library or have students take a virtual tour of  a library.

1. As students tour the library, have them determine whether your school's library has some of the same features as the library they are visiting.

2. Provide students with an appropriate Venn diagram or draw one on chart paper or the chalkboard. Label one of the diagram's circles with the name of your school library, and one (or more) with the name of the library(ies) you visited in person or virtually. Have students identify the features of the libraries, and write them on the chart.

3. Draw a map of the school library or recreate in Minecraft.

4. Extension - Design your ideal library in Minecraft.

- See more at: http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/02/lp261-01.shtml#sthash.GAHwAr14.dpuf

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